Estate Notice - Service By Publication - Estate Of Jafus Franklin Boyd, Jr. a/k/a Jafus F. Boyd a/k/a Jafus F. Boyd, Jr., Deceased - Late Of Allegheny County - To: Jewel M. Boyd, Tina M. Blackwell and Gina M. Sawyer, heirs of Jafus Franklin Boyd, Jr. a/k/a Jafus F. Boyd, a/k/a Jafus F. Boyd, Jr., Deceased (D.O.D. 8/20/2023) - A Petition for Citation to Compel Administration of Decedent's Estate by Surviving Heir or in the Alternative to Show Cause Why Petitioner or his Nominee Should Not Be Appointed Administrator, has been filed by a principal creditor of decedent, Citizens Bank, N.A. s/b/m to Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania, and a Citation has been awarded directed to the above Heirs to be and appear before me, Michael McGeever, Dir. of Dept. of Court Records, Wills/Orphans' Court Div. of Allegheny County, PA on or before 1/30/25 at 10:00 a.m. prevailing time in my office at 414 Grant St., 1st Fl., City-County Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15219, To Show Cause Why, Letters of Administration should not be granted to the Petitioner's nominee, Charles A.J. Halpin, III, Esq., for the Estate of Jafus Franklin Boyd, Jr., a/k/a Jafus F. Boyd, a/k/a Jafus F. Boyd, Jr., Deceased. The date 1/30/25 is not a hearing date. An answer must be filed before this date; However, the hearing date will be arranged between counsel and the Director. /s/ Charles A.J. Halpin, III, Esq., 100 S. Broad St., #1830, Phila., PA 19110, 215-563-4613.