Treasurer’s Sale
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 171 of 1984,
approved by the Governor October 11, 1984, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
which in part authorizes and empowers the City Treasurer of cities of the
second class to sell, at public sale, lands or real estate upon which the taxes
assessed and levied by the City or
School District or Allegheny County are delinquent
and unpaid; this Act is known as the Second Class City Treasurer’s Sale and Collection Act.
The following properties in the City of Pittsburgh will be exposed to public sale in City Council Chambers, City-County Building 5th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA, on Friday, July 26, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. and continued by adjournment to such time or times, as the City Treasurer shall designate such properties shall be sold for unpaid taxes which have been assessed against said properties. The following schedule shows (opposite each numbered property or properties) the City, School and County taxes for 2023 and prior years as well as PWSA, demolition, and other municipal charges which are unpaid but does not include advertising, posting and lien charges all of which are legally due and must be paid prior to the above date and time of sale in order to avoid sale. Names shown are those of owners, lienholders, or other known interested parties who may retain a legal interest in the property described.
Said Sale will be made without prejudice to any other liens or claims of the
School District of Pittsburgh or County of Allegheny,
for any other unpaid taxes, or other municipal charges and claims, whether
liened or not, against the respective property which have been inadvertently
omitted and not included herein.
TERMS OF SALE: As soon as the property is struck down, the purchaser shall:
(1) Immediately pay the advertised amount by cashier/certified check or cash set
forth opposite the particular property sold. Payment must be in cash, certified
check or cashier’s check.
(2) Any amount bid in excess of the upset price must be received in the Department of Finance on or before 2:00 P.M. the day of sale. Funds to be paid by cash, certified check or cashier’s check.
(3) Pay any and all other City, School and County tax claims and municipal
charges and claims, whether liened or not, together with any penalty and
interest, advertising cost, posting cost and County Department of Court
Records’ costs owed against the property purchased
upon demand after the sale.
(4) Failure to comply with item 3 will result in the initial payment being forfeited and the sale being canceled. For information call the Office of the City Treasurer, City of Pittsburgh, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, Phone: (412) 255-2525. Jennifer Gula,
Treasurer, City and
Fifth Ward 1. Dean Robert P - 1050010h00140 00. Francis St, Harry Lebman Plan 23 Pt 24 Lot 30x115 In All Frances St 2 1/2 Sty Brk Dup 530 Partial Claim $36,443.94 2. Robinson Thomas & Robinson Agnes M Morgan James P Morgan Estelle - 1050026n00124 00. 1 Olney St, Lot 24.08x20.04 Olney Way 2 Brk Gars Partial Claim $2,163.65 3. Est Of Lille Agnew - 1050027b00285 00. 758 Cherokee St, Lot 18.15x100 Cherokee St 2 Sty Brk Hse #758 Partial Claim $56,109.26 Tenth Ward 4. Moder Albert M Revocable Trust (the) - 1100081a00292 00. 5417 Camelia St, R E Breed Plan 225-226 Lot 40x100 In All Camelia St 1 Sty Brk V Bung & Gar 5417 Partial Claim $28,064.93 6. Est Of Raymond E Przybilinski Jr. - 1100120p00017 00. 5605 Celadine St, Jane Holmes Plan 216 Lot 20x100 Celadine St 2 Sty Fra Hse 5605 Partial Claim $6,394.51 Eleventh Ward 7. Est Of John A Ingram & Ingram Florence L - 1110083e00050 00. 5521 Black St, Pts 125-126 Lot 40x156.5 In All Black St 1 Sty Brk V Hse 5521 Partial Claim $40,085.83 Twelfth Ward 8. Washington Virginia G & Washington James A - 1120124h00048 00. 6579 Navarro St, Dean Park 2nd Rev Plan 4-f Lot 16.27xAvg73.63x20.56 Navarro St-Coral Album St 2 Sty Stn Ven Hse 6579 Partial Claim $23,048.61 9. Harvey Maxine - 1120124l00214 00. 6559 Rowan St, Lot 32x120 Rowan Ave 2 Sty Cem Blk & Shg Hse 6559 1 C B Gar Partial Claim $2,659.15 10. Geter Louis R & Est Of Flossie M Geter - 1120124l00270 00. 6558 Rowan St, Hague Plan Pts 37-70 Lot 28.46xavg117.50x20.11 Rr In All Rowan St 2 Sty Brk & Shg Hse 6558 Partial Claim $7,293.23 11. 6601 Lyric St Trust & Jody M Cutuli - 1120124r00300 00. 6601 Lyric St, Briggs Plan 34 Pt 33 Lot 23x117.5 In All Lyric Cor Montezuma St 2 Sty Fra Hse 6601 Partial Claim $12,809.96 12. Est Of Ella B Kemper - 1120124r00302 00. 6605 Lyric St, Briggs Plan Pt 32 Lot 23x117.5 Lyric St 1 Sty Brk V Hse 6605 1 Sty Brk Gar Partial Claim $6,653.52 13. Spieker Henry H & Est Of Emma E Spieker - 1120124s00043 00. Deary St, Mrs Barbara Durkin 2nd Plan 5 Lot 25x100 Deary St Bet Grape & Montezuma Sts Partial Claim $9,806.48 14. Est Of Dorothy J Payne - 1120124s00113 00. 6703 Lyric St, Briggs Plan Pt 1 Lot 20x60.75 Lyric Ave Rr Grape St 2 Sty Fra Hse 6703 Partial Claim $4,683.39 Thirteenth Ward 15. Alescio Charles & Alescio Carolyn D - 1130174e00168 00. 7039-7049 Forest Way, Homewood Drive Pk Plan 14-15-16 119 & Pt 118 Lot 100.5x140 In All Idlewild St Bet Murtland & La Row 6-2 Sty Brk Hses 7040-7040 1/2-7042-7044-7046-7046 1/2 Row 7-2 Sty Brk Hses 7041-7041 1/2-7043-7045-7047-7047 1/2-7049 Forest Way Partial Claim $83,861.85 16. Gardner Barbara A - 1130174l00030 00. Idlewild St, Homewood Drive Park Plan 283 Lot 25x93 Idlewild St Partial Claim $4,454.46 17. Tyson Thomasine Denise - 1130174l00336 00. Snowden St, Bank Of Commerce Addn Extn Plan Parts 60-61 Lot 16.25xavg115.74x23.27 Snowden St Partial Claim $5,328.13 18. Clarke James E - 1130231n00185 00. 635 Seagirt St, Lot 38.47x115x35.44 Rr Seagirt St Nr Tokio 1 Sty Dble I C Gar 2 Sty Brk Hse 635 Partial Claim $5,823.82 Fourteenth Ward 19. Jones John David Haapanen Silja - 1140087f00140 00. 5644 Melvin St, Lot 27.55xavg131.91 Melvin St 1/2 Of 2 Sty Dble Hse & Gar #5644 Partial Claim $17,354.76 Eighteenth Ward 21. Gardenhire Lance - 1180015g00086 00. 77 Industry St, Lot 30xavg100.09x23.22 Rear Industry St Cor Laverne St 2 1/2 Sty Tri Plex Int Gar 77 Partial Claim $24,486.06 Nineteenth Ward 22. Stenson John & Schneider Kathleen - 1190001n00112000300. 145 Bigham St, Olin & Jones Plan #1-b Lot = 19.55x100 Bigham St 1/2-2 Sty Brk Dble Hse #145 Partial Claim $29,524.08 Twentieth Ward 23. Darby Maureen P - 1200042d00218 00. Frustum St, Wood Plan Pts 124-125 Lot 14.52x110x14.51 Partial Claim $23,309.29 24. Heasley Donald H & Heasley Louise M - 1200042d00219 00. Frustum St, Wood Plan Pts 124-125 Lot 15x110x14.585 Partial Claim $26,098.74 Twenty-first Ward 25. Gonsowski John G - 1210022b00041 00. Success St, Lot 23.2x132 Colfax St To Success St Lot 22.9x132 Colfax St To Success St Partial Claim $60,993.65 26. Est Of Joseph A Badamo & Banal Victor J - 1210022b00071 00. Marvista St, Lot 22.9x132 Marvista St 2 Sty Fra Hse #1228 Partial Claim $15,372.03 27. Minor Marie - 1210022b00072 00. Marvista St, Lot 20x132 Marvista St Partial Claim $2,579.68 Twenty-third Ward 28. Mathews Maru - 1230024e00257 00. Vista St, Verona Items Plan 77 70-71 Tri Lot 44x66x78 Vista St To A Point 2 Sty Fra Hse #922 Partial Claim $5,160.37 Twenty-fourth Ward 29. Leaver Thomas E - 1240047k00172 00. 1900 Rhine St, Rhine St #1 Irreg Lot 20x79x82.37 Rr 3 Sty Fra-Alum Sdg Fc Hse 1900 Partial Claim $23,259.12 30. Lynch Frank D - 1240047p00043 00. 1230 Itin St, N Schenkle Plan 17-16 Lot 44x100 In All Iten St 2 1/2 Sty Fra Asb Shg Hse #1230 1 Sty C B Gar Partial Claim $22,681.29 31. Mullner David W & Mullner Donna L - 1240047p00126 00. 1126 Haslage Ave, Haslage Plan 64 Lot 23.21xavg103.61x55.95 Rr Haslage Ave 2 1/2 Sty M Brk Hse 1126 I C Gar Partial Claim $3,475.77 32. Mgf Company - 1240047p00151 00. 1214 Yetta Ave, Lot = 24x172.91x25.37x180.652 Sty Fra Shg & Alum Sdg Hse #1214 Partial Claim $28,889.12 Twenty-sixth Ward 33. Rutledge Frank M & Rutledge Patricia F - 1260046g00141 00. Suffolk St, University Park Plan 199 Lot 25x100 Partial Claim $37,768.30 34. Rutledge Frank & Rutledge Patricia F - 1260046g00142 00. Suffolk St, Unversity Park Plan 198 Lot 25x100 Suffolk St Partial Claim $1,216.24 35. Salmen Carl & Salmen Emma - 1260046j00162 00. Chautauqua St, Berry Plan Pt 9 Strip 3x170 Chautauqua St Partial Claim $1,894.82 36. Winghart George V & Winghart Mildred A - 1260047a00186 00. 1134 Fabyan St, City View Pl 37-38 Lot 50x100 In All Fabyan St Brk Gar 2 1/2 Sty Fra-Alum Sdg-Stn Fc Hse 1134 Partial Claim $40,895.95 38. Harris James E III & Harris Karen L - 1260047a00199 00. 1108 Fabyan St, J. Voegtly Heir’s Plans Lots 25-26-27 = 75x100x75x100 Partial Claim $28,110.53 39. Richards Chris - 1260047e00005 00. 909 South Side Ave, Dikun Plan Of Lots Lot 1 = 71.92x77.68x23.68x22.35x96x100 Partial Claim $7,307.54 40. Scherling Barbara - 1260047e00014 00. 921 South Side Ave, Pentecost Plan 4 Lot 24x100 South Side Ave 1 1/2 Sty Fra Alum Sdg Hse 921 Partial Claim $16,772.37 41. Monsted David S - 1260047g00084 00. 2118 Rockledge St, E Hetzels Plan 16 Lot 25x103 Rockledge St 2 1/2 Sty Fra Ins Brk Hse 2118 Partial Claim $12,106.17 42. Allegheny Home Rental & Inc. - 1260047j00353 00. 2104 Lappe Ln, Buente Hgts Plan Pt #1 Irreg Lot 33.95x100.27.42 Lappe Lane Cor Buente St 1/2-2 Sty Dble-Brk V Hse & Int-gar #2104 Partial Claim $31,562.81 43. Crouch Jennifer M - 1260047l00153 00. 1916 Bader St, John Baders Plan 38 Lot 25x103 Bader St 2 1/2 Sty Asb Shg Hse 1916 Partial Claim $24,901.22 44. Beatty Arthur T & Beatty Janice M - 1260047l00165 00. 1450 Damas St, William Zoller Plan Pts 11-12-13-14 Lot 50x100 Partial Claim $39,857.29 45. 98 Watson Boulevard & Land Trust - 1260077b00212 00. 98 Watson Blvd, Watson Pl Plan Pt 407 Lot 24.77xavg120.38x33.20 Rr Watson Blvd 2 Sty Brk & Shg Hse & Int Gar 98 Partial Claim $29,603.08 Twenty-seventh Ward 46. Williamson Justin - 1270044h00048 00. Plough St, Lot = 44x93.33x44x91.33 Partial Claim $8,726.96 47. Wolford Kelley L - 1270045b00037 00. 2915 Stayton St, Hammond Plan Pts 33-34 Lot 21.35x107 In All Stayton St 2 1/2 Sty Fra Hse 2915 Partial Claim $17,583.06 48. Farrell Ronald J - 1270045b00175 00. 1100 Woodland Ave, A C Patterson Plan Pt 11 Lot 18.33x100 Woodland Ave 2 Sty Fra & Shg Hse 1100 Partial Claim $30,626.16 49. Ruffner Jeffrey W & Ruffner Jayne M - 1270045f00167 00. 1111 Hodgkiss St, Brighton Place Plan 16-17-49 Lot 21.18x100x10.83 In All Hodgkiss St 2 1/2 Sty Alum Sdg Hse 1111 Partial Claim $65,667.34 50. Ib Property Holdings LLC - 1270045n00131 00. Mannheim St, Lot 20x90 McCook St 2 Sty Fra Alum Sidg Hse 2348 Mattern St 1 Car Gar Partial Claim $13,803.41 51. Timmerson Wade C - 1270075g00320 00. 3452 Fleming Ave, W J Richter Plan Pt #7 Lot 16.70x50 Fleming Ave 2 1/2 Sty Fra P (w Hse Rr 3452 Partial Claim $39,226.37 52. Usel Kimberly Kimberly Wilhelm - 1270075l00093 00. Richardson Ave, H Kleber Jr Plan 23 Lot 25xavg99.4 Richardson St 1 1/2 Sty Fra Hse 3265 Partial Claim $17,745.50 53. Eke Chinwendu - 1270076n00303 00. Wadlow St, Schimmer Plan 8 Blk 4 Lot 25x115 Wadlow St 2 Sty Fra Alum Sdg Hse 3021 Vensel Way Partial Claim $15,036.96 54. Mustovic Raymond J & Mustovic Antoinette - 1270114p00012 00. 3842 Oswego St, Mt Vernon Land Co Plan 45 Lot 40x130 Oswego St 1 1/2 Sty Brk V Hse & I C Gar 3842 Partial Claim $9,511.00 55. Henderson Hugh D & Henderson Roseann - 1270115e00069 00. 1121 Lapish Rd, Benton Plan 76 To 81 Inc & Strip Irreg Lot 120.56xavg151.7x185 Rear Of Lapish Rd 1 Sty Fra Hse 1121 Partial Claim $14,738.15 56. Henderson Hugh D & Henderson Roseann - 1270115e00070 00. 1121 Lapish Rd, Lot 93.81xavg62x110.44 Rr Lapish Rd Fra Out Bldg Partial Claim $17,096.27 Twenty-eighth Ward 57. Brown Hugh A - 1280040r00158 00. 140 Hyde St, W Pgh Terrace Plan 202 Lot 25x100 Hyde St 2 Sty Fra Hse 140 Partial Claim $2,160.65 Thirtieth Ward 58. Cerminara George W & Cerminara Julia A - 1300033c00018 00. Marland St, Knoxville Ld Imp Co Plan Pt 61 Lot 25xavg84.4 Marland St 2 Sty M Brk Hse 208 Partial Claim $31,164.23 |